S15-01 07

Xenofutures: Alternatives to Hegemonic Imaginaries


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Esther Rizo-CasadoUniversidad Complutense de Madrid


Following the methodologíes of Future Studies, the classification of scenarios into probable, plausible, possible, and preferable (Hancock & Bezold, 1994) and their subsequent updates (Voros, 2003) seem to be insufficient for contemporary reality. This study arises from the following causes: the constant mutation of reality (Berardi, 2021; Zafra, 2022), the lack of future imaginaries (Berardi, 2019; Fisher, 2018; Haraway, 2020), and the turn of anticipatory sciences toward neoliberal ends (Dator, 2022; Davis, 2023).

Through antecedents such as Crazy Futures (Schultz, 2015), we propose the becoming of the Weird as a way out of the imaginal collapse we have been suffering since the early 1990s (Demneh & Darani, 2020; Davis, 2023; Fisher, 2016). Aware of the growing commitment to the liminal in the field of foresight (Dator, 2022) as salvation to the exhausted counterculture (Jameson, 1994; Zafra, 2022), we propose the theoretical and practical implementation of Xenofutures. A term found in cyberfeminism theories (Hester, 2018), and the concept of the Weird (Fisher, 2016). 

This is an art-based futures research that relies on the subversive appropriation of existing technological tools to create new future possibilities (Laboria Cuboniks, 2023). Specifically, we modify generative artificial intelligence tools that have been trained with a normative collection of image datasets, and we mutate the results to generate weird entities. The result is an ongoing dataset with 18.000 images which represent bodies stripped of any possible classification into species, sex, and class (Dator, 2022). 

Is the resultant visual cyborg-queer scenario allowing anticipation to the futures of mutant identities? Can operative images (Parikka & Gil-Fournier, 2019) act as activators of the pretentious imagination, as a mental representation of a world that is different from reality (Özgün & Schoonen, 2022)? This exercise has raised an ongoing generative imaginary that emerges in an exercise of ”thinking with” human and non-human individuals (Haraway, 2020), capable of overflowing the current limits. This overflow proposes to generate posthuman cyberfeminist fabulations (Braidotti, 2015) as speculative tools to think outside the established and to imagine other possible futures.

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      Milica Nalić

      Comentó el 30/11/2023 a las 14:30:33

      Hello, Esther,

      Thank you for sharing your amazing research. It looks to me like the IA is becoming a source of anxiety and concern for many people, and I really enjoyed seeing it put to a different use, subverting the existing normative models. Could you point me to some of the potential uses of the Laboria Cuboniks' work or fields that would benefit from incorporating this type of alternative generative models?


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        Esther Rizo-Casado

        Comentó el 30/11/2023 a las 17:53:17

        Thank you for your understanding Milica. You completely understood the point of this research. This is Laboria Cuboniks manifesto: https://laboriacuboniks.net/manifesto/xenofeminismo-una-politica-por-la-alienacion/
        In Madrid, there is a cultural institution called Medialab Matadero that is working with this theories in a practical and interdisciplinary way. I leave here the link as well: https://www.medialab-matadero.es/

        Let me know if you want to have further talks. Best: Esther

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          Milica Nalić

          Comentó el 30/11/2023 a las 19:46:53

          Thank you, Esther, I will enjoy reading more on the topic. I wish you all the best with your research. Abrazos,

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      Elena Bandrés Goldáraz

      Comentó el 29/11/2023 a las 15:42:20

      Hola, Esther. Y cómo te imaginas tú cuáles serán los roles de las posibles cibermujers posthumanas? Porque visto lo visto, mucho me temo que viajarán al futuro con los mismos estereotipos que seguimos teniendo en el presente. Saludos.

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        Esther Rizo-Casado

        Comentó el 30/11/2023 a las 15:52:37

        Hola Elena,
        muchas gracias por tu pregunta. Tal y como entienden los estudios de futuro los escenarios especulativos, no significa que sepamos como va a suceder. Sin embargo, imaginar escenarios extraños puede ayudarnos a aumentar la diversidad y por tanto la tolerancia. En este caso nos hemos imaginado que la representación de los cuerpos, más que ser de mujer, hombre o no-binarias, estarán despojadas de cualquier posible taxonomización de género, raza e incluso especie. En el video aparecen un par de ejemplos visuales. Espero haberte ayudado a imaginar otros futuros alternativos. Un saludo, Esther

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      Celia Andreu-Sánchez

      Comentó el 29/11/2023 a las 14:34:33

      Hola, Esther. En base a lo que has estudiado, y teniendo en cuenta que no parece que una legislación vaya a actuar al respecto, ¿cómo consideras que se podría promover la diversidad en la IA?

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        Esther Rizo-Casado

        Comentó el 30/11/2023 a las 15:58:13

        Hola Celia,
        Muy interesante pregunta. Los Estudios de Futuro son una rama dentro de las ciencias políticas que se dedica a imaginar alternativas al presente o versiones del presente extrapoladas a modo de prospectiva. El pensamiento crítico que se pone en práctica a la hora de visualizar o tan solo imaginar temas tan conflictivos como la identidad de género o raza es para mi ya un avance. La legislación de este tema sería otra forma más práctica de acercarse al tema. La que yo propongo gira en torno a la experiencia estética. Espero haber ayudado. Un saludo, Esther

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